November 5th, 2020
Luther, Lars, & Krista Cybernetic Skins have been moved from UNAVAILABLE to ONLY AVAILABLE as a reward from the Outland Chest.
Sebastian, Astrid&Lucas, & Daredevil Romantic Skins have been moved from ONLY AVAILABLE as a reward from the Outland Chest, to BUYABLE with Skin Stones and Certificates.
Here is the timeline of these skins:
Cybernetic Skins
June2020: Released for Limited Time Event (1 week or weekend only).
Nov2020: Added to Outland Chest as a small chance reward.
????: Made available for Purchase with Skin Stones and Skin Certificates.
Romantic Skins
Feb2020: Released for Limited Time Event (1 week or weekend only).
May2020: Added to Outland Chest as a small chance reward.
Nov2020: Made available for purchase with Skin Stones and Skin Certificates.