When is The Path of a Warrior Hero Wars Event?
All days and times for events are leaks and rumors, and are subject to change!
Unless otherwise stated, all events begin the night before at 8 pm Central Time / 2 am UTC for Web and 11 pm CT / 5 am UTC for Facebook!
The Path of the a Warrior is returning to Dominion on January 25th — complete quests, win battles, and get Cosmic Battle Chests, and Cosmic Battle Coins that can be exchanged for handy resources in the Cosmic Battle Shop!
What are the Event Tasks for The Path of a Warrior?

If you 100% complete The Path of a Warrior, you can expect a 86% return on your emerald investment.
This is below average for Hero Wars Dominion Era Events, but I believe the event to be UNDER-RATED!
Earn Rank
Spend Emeralds
Spend Energy
Open Outland Chests
Open Pet Summoning Eggs
Open Hero Artifact Chests
Open Tower Chests
What are the Rewards for the The Path of a Warrior
Cosmic Battle Chests
Cosmic Battle Coins
What's in the Cosmic Battle Chests?

Cosmic Battle Chest Drop Rates
Note that these are representative of a small population, and they are not accurate. For example we know that the drop rate of Strength, Agility, and Intelligence Skin Stones are very likely all equal.
38.7% Cosmic Battle Chest x2
6% Chaos Particle x15
5.6% Chaos Core x1
4.7% Random Crystal x30
4.5% Artifact Coin x100
4.4% Gold x150,000
4.1% Rare Enchantment Rune x3
4.1% Outland Coin x100
3.8% Strength Skin Stone x50
3.7% Flawless Artifact Essence x5
3.6% Intelligent Skin Stone x50
3.5% Huge EXP Potion x5
3.5% Flawless Artifact Scroll x5
3.4% Great Enchantment Rune x1
3.1% Flawless Artifact Metal x5
3% Agility Skin Stone x50
Thanks to DASHIMAKI-TAMAGO and the Japanese Discord for these Numbers.
Path of a Warrior/Cosmic Battles Shop Best Buys:
