A Portal Anomaly event is in the game! - complete quests to earn Chaos Particles, Portal Charges and make your Pets even stronger!

When is Hero Wars A Portal Anomaly Event?
All days and times for events are leaks and rumors, and are subject to change!
Unless otherwise stated, all events begin the night before at 8 pm Central Time / 2 am UTC for Web and 11 pm CT / 5 am UTC for Facebook!
🔹 Portal Anomaly is returning to Dominion on January 22 — prepare complete quests to earn Chaos Particles and Portal Charges and strengthen your Pets!
What are the Event Tasks for A Portal Anomaly

If you 100% complete A Portal Anomaly, you can expect a 81% return on your emerald investment.
This is below average for Hero Wars Dominion Era Events
VIP Rank
Spend Emeralds
Complete Event Quests
Open Pet Adventure Chests
Open Pet Summoning Eggs
What are the Rewards for the A Portal Anomaly Event?
Pet Summoning Eggs
Chaos Particles
Pet EXP Potions
Portal Charges