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Writer's pictureCharlie-HWC

Winter Festival MYSTERIOUS ISLAND Dec 2024

Hero Wars Winterfest Mysterious Island Map

(when it's available)

(when it's available)


How does the Mysterious Island Work?

As you explore the map, you can see the blue question marks as move opportunities. You continue your way across the map, until you get to the tower at the end.

Complete Winter Festival Map with Rewards!

What are the Big Prizes on The Mysterious Island?

  • A New Winterfest Currency - "white scrolls"

    • Looks like it's the currency to buy the new Helios and Augustus Winter Skins*!

    • Also, the currency will be used to buy Festival skins you may have missed!

Not pictured: Augustus Magic Attack Skin

What is the Best Route to the Big Prizes on The Mysterious Island?

Collecting most of the New "White Scrolls" Currency will require ~26 Moves!

There are still a few other +3 White Scrolls to collect, as well as a TON of high quantity Hero and Titan Leveling Resources!

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We are N-G
We are N-G
Dec 30, 2024

In absolute terms, 26 is the correct answer but you have to remove the moves on the bridge + the 3 explorer's move you collect at the first travel. So, it's 31 moves - 2 moves on the bridge (it doesn't use explorer's move but 2 woods) - 3 explorer's move = 26 moves + 2 woods. But, you are right about the woods. If you don't have it on your inventory, you need to find them (and it will be more moves as you suggested in your comment). I think the best thing to do, it's to collect them on other island (also, one can be collected at the tower closest to the start = 2 moves). By the…


April V
April V
Dec 30, 2024

This doesn't work. :( I tried to follow the path and don't have enough wood even with picking up the pile on NE


Dec 24, 2024

I now need a wood pile p/u to get across the bridge. Advice pls on the best island path to retrieve my 2nd wood pile needed..


Dec 24, 2024

if you mean, you need wood to cross onto that small island in the middle, then yes, do we pick up the wood from the NE route, that looks like a 2 move situation.


Nathan Sevrinus
Nathan Sevrinus
Dec 23, 2024

This map path doesn't cross the wood and takes 31 moves. Maybe a different route?

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